The Southern Marin Fire Protection District is preparing the installation and emergency testing of the outdoor notification system in the City of Sausalito. We are inviting the community to join the District with our community meetings to provide additional details behind what the system is and how it will be received by the community. Presentation and Q&A to last approximately an hour.
This is a Zoom presentation for the residents nearby: Spencer/Cloud View/Rodeo/Wolfback Ridge/Glen/Lincoln/Woodward/George/Spring.
All are welcome.
Join us on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 836 9128 5104
Passcode: wPM91v
The date and time of all future testing is scheduled for:
The first Saturday of each month at 12 noon (1 minute).
We are asking for feedback from the community to help evaluate the effectiveness of the testing. The program is called “Did You Hear It?” and relies on the community.
If you have any questions about the system, please call 415-380-1120 and ask about LRAD, or visit our website at:
Contact Information:
Southern Marin Fire Protection District Fire Prevention Division – Marshall Nau, Program Lead (Re: LRAD Sausalito Meeting) or call 415-380-1120