Time to Prune!
- Trim and remove all dead , twiggy or overgrown shrubs that accumulate, and dying vegetation.
- Cut back vines and low-growing groundcovers (e.g. ivy) to remove build-up of dry
stems and dead leaves.
- Prune trees when dormant (except apricot and cherry).
- Gently thin and trim back tree and shrub canopies to remove twiggy growth and
maintain separation between plants, and reduce overall fuel load.
- For trees, remove limbs 6 to 10 feet from the ground, or trim up to 1/3 of tree
height for smaller trees.
- Avoid topping trees and shearing hedges as this causes excessive and twiggy
growth and more fuel for a fire.
- Remove branches within 10 ft of chimney, and clean roof and gutters of plant
debris. Consult an arborist regarding any branch removal, especially to ensure
the health of the tree.
For more Fire-smart Landscaping information, visit: http://marinmg.ucanr.edu/BASICS/FIRESMARTLANDSCAPING/.