Southern Marin Fire Protection District, CA
Home MenuDeferred Submittals
What is a deferred submittal?
A deferred submittal is determined to be required during the construction plan review stage as a part of the project that can be submitted after the permit is issued. Deferred submittals can include fire protection systems, such as fire extinguishing systems and fire notification systems, exiting schematics, and/or vegetation management plans.
When is a deferred submittal required to be submitted?
Deferred submittals can be required at different phases of a project based off the type of submittal.
If the deferred submittal affects the safety of a project, it is due relatively quick. New hydrants, fire lines or hydrant upgrades are required to be submitted prior to foundation work. Please note, though, that during demolition, with any project, water supply and access is required to be provided and maintained.
Vegetation Management Plans (VMPs) can be required during the planning or construction phase, prior to issuance, if the property is located within a very high fire hazard severity zone or if major landscaping is proposed. If it is required as a deferred submittal, vegetation management plans are required prior to the start of construction. VMPs are required to be submitted prior to scheduling the rough inspection.
Fire sprinklers and fire alarms are required to be submitted for review and approval prior to scheduling the rough hydro inspection. If the installation ends up different from the original submittal, "as-builts" are due prior to the final inspection.